Eye Exams

Eye Exams

Eye Exams


Routine and preventative eye examinations are key to maintaining eye health. From children to adults, there are many different eye problems one can run into that can be spotted and corrected because of a proper and thorough eye exam. Advanced Vision Clinic specializes in comprehensive eye care, with a licensed and experienced staff to best ensure your health. We are trained to spot early signs and symptoms that could be a much bigger problem later on. The American Optometric Association recommends yearly or bi-yearly eye and vision exams. If it’s time to get your eyes examined, schedule an appointment today at our local Columbia, SC location, or call now for more information!

Types of Testing:

Vision Testing

From the wall chart to a reading eye chart, vision testing is almost always the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of eye examinations. The results of these two tests will help us determine nearsightedness, farsightedness, and the best option on how to correct your vision.

Eye Function Testing

Eye function testing is designed to evaluate depth perception, color vision, eye muscle capabilities, peripheral vision, and light responsiveness. This test will also help show whether the eyes are focusing and moving together properly.

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